I don't understand why Mommy and Daddy aren't scared that our country is on the verge of being run by a Terrorist, Wealth Spreading, America Hating, Joe the Plumber mocking, Chicago Politician that has no executive experience. I stay up late at night, shivering. Nobody ever asked Amara the Baby what she thinks. I like Sarah Palin. It's so unfair the media expects candidates to speak in complete sentences, that rules me out from running for office until I'm at least five years old.

Mommy puts me in ruffle booties for company. I think they approve. Plus they seem to be super patient people, this might have to do with putting up with my dad for years.

It's hard to explain what's so great about this picture other than my Mommy loves it.

1st rule of father-daughter pictures: Only one person can be happy in the photo at a time.

Oh Noes, daddy doesn't look happy. No Wose Bowl for the Gophies this year. Booo Bwooster!

Dad, explain to me again why people throw anything but off-speed pitches to that Ryan Howard guy. He really can't hit.
No new pictures with Mommy this week. Dad needs to pick up the camera.